About us


REVHRAM began its operations in Brazil in 2020, committed to simplifying the traditional Brazilian financial landscape while adhering strictly to compliance and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) principles in all our processes. We act as an authorized correspondent by the Central Bank and establish strategic collaborations with major Brazilian financial institutions. This partnership empowers us to provide personalized solutions, rejecting standardized approaches, and dedicating ourselves to meeting the specific needs of each client.

At REVHRAM, we aim to deliver the best experience in financial operations, going beyond the simple reduction of banking fees. Our main objective is to find the ideal solutions and opportunities for the unique needs of each client, whether they are individuals or legal entities.

Starting in 2023, we expanded our operations to the United States, aiming to conduct global transactions. In this expansion, we now offer general business intermediation opportunities, with a focus on Brazilian products and commodities, as well as carbon credits and finished lubricants.

By deeply understanding the individual needs and characteristics of each client, we not only strengthen our ethics and transparency but also mitigate potential risks. This integrated approach, combining principles of compliance, data protection, and Know Your Customer (KYC), reflects our commitment to integrity and sustainability in all aspects of our operations.

Join REVHRAM for a Personalized and Globally Connected Experience. We are here to facilitate your global operations efficiently and tailored to your specific needs.


We refuse to offer standardized solutions.


Our mission is to quickly identify the best solution for your demand.


We conduct our operations with ethics, transparency, and a KYC approach, aiming to mitigate risks and ensure compliance with AML rules and the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).


We seek opportunities that enhance the value of your transaction, ensuring a perfect balance between cost and benefit.

Sustainable Partnerships

We value everyone in our network, from partners to financial institutions. Together, we work to minimize risks and ensure fair and mutually beneficial conditions.


We establish robust relationships with our clients, always committed to offering the best in each interaction and transaction.

Anderson Brito:

Anderson Brito, with a technical background in Accounting, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, an MBA in Finance and Banking, and an International Certification in International Business Management, began his entrepreneurial journey at the age of 20, successfully founding an accounting firm.

Later in his career, Anderson joined INFRAERO, the leading airport administrator in South America, playing crucial roles in fundamental areas such as tenders, contracts, control, finance, commerce, and logistics.

In the banking sector, Anderson excelled in managing the foreign exchange correspondent network of Banco Paulista S/A, the largest currency exchange bank in Brazil at the time. He made significant contributions to the development of the Internal Procedures Standard for Foreign Exchange Correspondents and designed an e-Learning course on Anti-Money Laundering (AML), specifically tailored for the bank’s Foreign Exchange Correspondents.

Anderson Brito’s unique journey is characterized by a combination of entrepreneurship, experience in the public sector, and substantial contributions to the banking system.